The Cymbidium Orchid Club of South Australia exists to promote the growing and showing of Cymbidium Orchids in South Australia. It is different to all other Orchid Clubs in South Australia, because it is a single orchid genera club. The Club does not sell orchids to the public. Club members sell their plants at the trading tables associated with the annual shows.
This year…
The first meeting for 2025 and the AGM, held on 26th February, resulted in some fresh faces on the committee, a new Registrar and Assistant Registrar and the filling of the Show Marshall role.
Meetings for 2025 will again be held at the Burnside Community Centre, starting at 8pm, with the usual Beginners session starting at 7:15pm. New members are always welcome!
2024’s guest speaker program provided members with information on the history of orchid and cymbidium growing and has looked at plants that are historically important; investigated a range of pests and viruses and ways to manages these; and highlighted the practices of very successful cymbidium growers. Thanks to all who were involved in presenting such a varied and informative program.
The Club hosted two extremely successful shows last year: the Winter Show at Port Adelaide Plaza Shopping Centre and the Spring Show at West Lakes Shopping Centre. These shows wqill be held again in 2025- dates to be arranged.
Previous Meetings
The guest speaker for the November meeting was Graham Guest, always a knowledgeable and entertaining speaker, who spoke on his new book, the Orchardist- well worth a read!
The guest speaker for the October meeting was Norm Martin from Western Australia, who spoke on ‘How I grow orchids in Western Australia’- yet another very interesting presentation!
Guest speaker at our September meeting was Karl Olsen, who produces the website ‘Orchid Wise’. His presentation was both interesting and informative. Do check out his website. Growing and flowering your best Cymbidium orchid yet!
Our August meeting featured Greg Bryant, of Bryant’s Orchids, as guest speaker. His presentation ‘Parentage still counts’ was extremely well received by members.
Associate Professor Randall W. Robinson was the guest speaker at our July meeting and was most informative, speaking about cymbidiums past, present and future.
Glen Heyland, of Easy Orchids, gave a very informative presentation on pests, mites and insecticides at our June meeting. Thank you Glenn- a most interesting session.
Don’t forget the beginner’s group meeting which will start at 7.15pm sharp, on the stage at the front of the hall. Newcomers are very, very welcome. Bring a friend.
See the latest version of Cymbidium Chatter (edited by Joshua White for the Cymbidium Orchid Society of Victoria).
The 2023 Annual Spring Show was held at West Lakes Shopping Centre from Sunday August 27 to Saturday September 2. As usual, the trading table and raffle were particularly popular and the displays were, of course, spectacular. The following slide show highlights the Champion plants.
Cymbidium Orchid club of SA Winter Show 2023
The annual Winter Show was held at Port Adelaide Plaza and was a fantastic success. Images of the display and trading table. See below for a gallery of the prize-winning plants.

Cymbidium Orchid Club of South Australia Inc Copyright 2016 All rights reserved.
All articles, graphics and photos on this website are owned by the Cymbidium Orchid Club of South Australia or by the individual authors or contributors, where indicated, and are covered by copyright. Use of these photos, images and writings for anything other than personal use can be sought by making a request through the club's president.